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Fiscal Year July 2023 - June 2024
Last updated

Phoenix Union High School District

4502 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85012-1817

Total Funding

Higher than prior year's total
July 2023 - June 2024

About Revenue

Revenue-- also referred to as 'funding' or 'income'-- represents how much money is generated by the school or district each fiscal year. There are four sources of public revenues-- state funding, local funding, county funding, and federal funding. Some schools or districts may collect more revenue than they spend in order to build a fund balance. Other schools or districts may spend more than their revenue, drawing on their existing fund balance to close the gap.

Revenue Fund Description Amount
Maintenance and Operation Accounts for all of a district’s financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. For example, this fund cannot be used for transactions related to capital items as funds in the 600 range are generally used to account for capital transactions. $307,372,386.08
Classroom Site Fund Accounts for the portion of State sales tax collections and permanent State school fund earnings districts receive. The monies in this fund must be used to supplement, and not supplant, existing monies. Monies can be used for class size reduction; teacher compensation increases, including a base pay and performance pay component; assessment intervention programs; teacher development; dropout prevention programs; teacher liability insurance premiums; student support services (as defined in function 2100—Support Services— Students); and registered warrant expenses for the fund. Expenditures for class size reduction, assessment intervention, and dropout prevention programs must be appropriate expenditures under function 1000—Instruction, excluding athletics. A.R.S. §15-977 $26,492,384.37
Instructional Improvement Accounts for monies received from State gaming revenue. Up to 50 percent of the monies received may be used for teacher compensation increases and class size reduction as provided in A.R.S. §15-977. The expenditures for class size reduction, if any, must be appropriate expenditures under function 1000—Instruction, excluding athletics. The remaining monies must be used for the following maintenance and operation purposes: dropout prevention programs and instructional improvement programs, including programs to develop minimum reading skills for students by the end of the third grade. The monies in the fund may not be used to supplant existing state and local monies. A.R.S. §15-979 $2,042,481.92
County, City, and Town Grants Accounts for monies received from county, city, and town grants. $18,500.00
Extended BSL Amount Total = $203,560,705.09
Base Support Level Adjustments Total
= $77,326.61
Base Support Level / Base Revenue Control Limit = $203,638,031.70
Enrollment Category Weight Student Counts Weighted Counts Base Amount Category Amount
Total 37,221.12 $4,914.71 $182,931,005.50
Emotional Disabilities, Mild Intellectual Disability, a Specific Learning Disability, a Speech/Language Impairment and Other Health Impairments 0.292 × 2,374.65 = 693.40 × $4,914.71 $3,407,855.99
Emotional Disabilities (Private Special Education or Intensive School District) 4.822 × 78.98 = 380.86 × $4,914.71 $1,871,834.84
Hearing Impairment 4.771 × 29.09 = 138.79 × $4,914.71 $682,104.69
High School 1.268 × 25,581.26 = 32,437.04 × $4,914.71 $159,418,662.75
Limited English Proficiency 0.115 × 3,670.08 = 422.06 × $4,914.71 $2,074,300.15
Multiple Disabilities (Resource Program) 6.024 × 179.04 = 1,078.57 × $4,914.71 $5,300,841.45
Multiple Disabilities (Self-Contained) 5.988 × 206.84 = 1,238.56 × $4,914.71 $6,087,153.00
Multiple Disabilities Severe Sensory Impairment 7.947 × 28.34 = 225.20 × $4,914.71 $1,106,783.42
Moderate Intellectual Disability 4.421 × 77.60 = 343.05 × $4,914.71 $1,685,978.95
Orthopedic Impairment (Resource Program) 3.158 × 6.31 = 19.93 × $4,914.71 $97,935.33
Orthopedic Impairment (Self-Contained) 6.773 × 24.76 = 167.73 × $4,914.71 $824,357.42
Vision Impairment 4.806 × 15.80 = 75.93 × $4,914.71 $373,197.52

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